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"Alexander Kranjec"
Temporal focus and time spatialization across cultures (2020)
C. Callizo, S. Tutnjević, M. Pandža, M. Quellet, A. Kranjec, S. Ilić, Y. Gu, T. Goksun, S. Chahboun, D. Casasanto, J. Santiago, Temporal focus and time spatialization across cultures, PSYCHONOMIC BULLETIN & REVIEW, pp. 1 - 12, 2020 -
Attentional focus and the conceptual representation of time (2016)
J. Santiago, A. Flumini, S. Chahboun, Y. Kagan Porsuk, K. Chai, M. Quellet, D. Casasanto, S. Tutnjević, J. Lavallee, T. Goksun, A. Kranjec, Attentional focus and the conceptual representation of time, Knjiga sažetaka, 2016 -
A study on the spatial representation of time in different cultures and religions (2018)
C. Callizo, S. Tutnjević, A. Kranjec, T. Goksun, S. Chahboun, M. Quellet, D. Casasanto, J. Santiago, A study on the spatial representation of time in different cultures and religions, Knjiga sažetaka, 2018 -
Traditionality and religiosity in the spatial conceptualization of time (2018)
C. Callizo, A. Flumini, S. Chahboun, S. Amaoui, K. Porsuk, S. Tutnjević, A. Kranjec, T. Goksun, D. Casasanto, J. Lavalle, J. Santiago, Traditionality and religiosity in the spatial conceptualization of time, Knjiga sažetaka, 2018 -
Cross-cultural study on the role of religiosity and traditionality in time conceptualisation (2018)
J. Santiago, C. Callizo, A. Flumini, S. Chahboun, S. Amaoui, K. Porsuk, K. Chai, M. Quellet, S. Tutnjević, A. Kranjec, T. Goksun, D. Casasanto, J. Lavalle, J. Santiago, Cross-cultural study on the role of religiosity and traditionality in time conceptualisation, Knjiga sažetaka, 2018 -
Temporal spatialization on the front-back axis: cross-cultural law found and experimental induction rejected (2019-05)
C. Callizo, A. Lopez, K. Yang, S. Tutnjević, A. Kranjec, T. Goksun, S. Chahboun, D. Casasanto, J. Santiago, Temporal spatialization on the front-back axis: cross-cultural law found and experimental induction rejected, Knjiga sažetaka, May, 2019